Monday, October 13, 2008

Since I am not feeling well and couldn't come to class tonight, I thought I'd at least write a quick post about gender (I think thats what we would have discussed tonight...)
I came across this funny, but interesting article in The Nation today. Singer-songwriter Rosanne Cash writes an article on why she should be the VP candidate rather than Palin. The article is definitly sarcastic at times, but well written. I believe that many women are feeling embarrased by Palin's actions since she was elected VP. Cash makes a "resume" of reasons why she'd make a better candidate. Her take on "church and state", the war in iraq, and maverick personality are particulary of interest. Part of her argument is that she is as qualified, if not more, to be VP than Palin is. She has acted very unprofessional during much of the campaign, especially winking at the audience like she is at a modeling show. I would love to see a woman in the white house as much as the next person, but to see Palin basically make a mockery of the whole thing is unacceptable.
I think that original Tina Fey/Clinton SNL clip said a lot too: the woman acting as Clinton said in regards to sexism: "A point I'm quite frankly surprised people suddenly care about." So people only want to argue about sexism when it's about someone attractive. No one really gave a dang about what was said against Hillary.

More on this later...

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