Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gearing up

As the VP candidates gear up for tonights debate, the media does it's job as well to keep us well informed about Palin. It's no surprise now that American people are finding out what she is really like and polls are dropping for the Republican party. This article once again drills the fact into our minds that McCain is 72 and IF, for some reason, he was elected and should happen to conk out, Palin would be on deck. The American people aren't buying that she would be ready for that, and the media isn't either.

My fear is that somehow they will have prepped Palin enough for tonight so that she come across as confident and knowing what she's talking about, and the American people are going to fall for this scam again!! Just because they may have crammed her with info, it doesn't mean she will retain it, or have the necesary experience to use it. We'll see what tonight brings...

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