Friday, November 21, 2008

Obama the AntiChrist??

Well, well, well...imagine my surprise today when finding this article about how some are believing that Obama is the AntiChrist! I think that because of the condition the world is in today people are honestly just going crazy...I mean, the article says that someone who won the lottery in Illionois (Obamas state) had the numbers 666---the sign of the Beast. This information was attained by Tod Strandberg, editor and founder of an online sight about caluclations and predictions about the end of the world.

Some peoples beliefs just cause them to be in fear and I do think the media fuels the fire on this at times, especially with all those "red alerts" we used to have regarding terrorism. Personally, I believe that was all to help Bush's ratings and his plans for invading these countries. Surprising no one called him the AntiChrist (to my knowledge anyways...)

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