Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Will McCain and Palin duke it out?

So I wonder how this discrepancy between McCain and Palin regarding global warming will play out if they get into office. With all the research that has been done on global climate change and the warming of the planet, which all leads to man-made causes, Palin's denial that it is in fact due to our excessive human ways is scary. McCain still supports legislature that would reduce our carbon footprint and emissions, while Palin still fights against it. She also refused to adapt an Engandered Species act for the polar bears since their habitat is drastically decreasing.

I wonder how the media will cover this in the debates coming up. I hope they will give careful attention to this issue: in other words, I hope this issue doesn't get covered up with all that has happened with the economy crashing (which of course is very important too!). I believe it's important for people to know that McCain and Palin do differ on this problem and what that could mean if they get elected.

1 comment:

Printer's Devil said...

Good question. I hope we'll all be watching the debates. They're sort of the one chance we have to get them on record about this stuff.